Episode 19
Have Fun with Legal for Summit Speaking with Joey Vitale
In this snippet from Sell With a Summit: Speaker Edition, Joey's showing you how to make sure your summit presentation (and business!) are in the Peaceful Zone of legal protection - without making you snore! Join us for this fun episode about legal (yes, I used 'fun' and 'legal' in the same sentence!) and make sure that you're not putting yourself in a vulnerable place with your summit presentation.
Get Joey's free masterclass: https://joeycvitale.lpages.co/masterclass/
Want to learn more about booking more summit speaking engagements and making more money from them? Get access to Joey's full presentation - and more! - at https://sellwithasummit.com/speakeredition/
Learn more about Joey at https://www.joeycvitale.com
Mentioned in this episode:
Summit Speaker Strategy Audio Training
If you want to learn more about summit speaking strategies and how you can use it to grow your business, jump over to virtualsummitspeaking.com. I put together a free audio training that you can take on the go in your regular podcast player!
Welcome to Virtual Summit Success.
Speaker:I'm Jenn, founder of Virtual Summit Search, and you're in the right place
Speaker:if you want to make the most of your virtual summit experience, whether
Speaker:you're a host or virtual summit speaker.
Speaker:Let's get going with your next step to virtual summit success.
Speaker:Hey there.
Speaker:This episode is a snippet from the full presentation from Sell
With a Summit:Speaker Edition.
With a Summit:Hopefully you already know the fantastic Joey Vitale, but if
With a Summit:not, you're going to love him.
With a Summit:He's here to share about how to make sure you're legally protected as a summit
With a Summit:speaker - and a business owner in general.
With a Summit:And before you skip to the next episode, this is a FUN episode.
With a Summit:Every single time I learn from Joey, he makes legal stuff fun
With a Summit:and not-scary, so stick with us.
With a Summit:He says it better than I do, though, so I'm just going to turn it over to him.
With a Summit:What is up, everybody, and welcome to today's legal training.
It's called Owning It:How to Keep Your Business Protected and Legally Legit.
It's called Owning It:And I know that everyone here is really interested in how to
It's called Owning It:protect your speaking, the summits that you're on, things like that.
It's called Owning It:So we're going to be particularly focused on that, but don't worry: if
It's called Owning It:you have questions beyond speaking, well, this will apply to that too.
It's called Owning It:So let's get started.
It's called Owning It:By the way, hi, I'm Joey.
It's called Owning It:I'm not your average attorney.
It's called Owning It:I'm a trademark lawyer and growth strategist for online business owners,
It's called Owning It:I'm the host of a podcast, I'm an Enneagram nine, for those of you who
It's called Owning It:know the Enneagram and follow it, which makes me a peacemaker type, which puts
It's called Owning It:me in the super, super rare category of attorneys who don't really like to argue.
It's called Owning It:And so I've really found my people in working with small business owners.
It's called Owning It:I love the community over competition vibe that y'all have, and I do what
It's called Owning It:I can to help business owners stay protected so you can all thrive.
It's called Owning It:And also for any other eighties kids out there, I'm a huge Boy Meets World fan,
It's called Owning It:so much so that I named my pets after all of the Boy Meets World characters.
It's called Owning It:And that is Mr.
It's called Owning It:Feeney there in the picture with me.
It's called Owning It:Any of you guys who know the reference to Boy Meets World and Mr.
It's called Owning It:Feeney, we're good friends already.
It's called Owning It:So let's just dive right into it.
I get it:legal stuff can be really confusing, which is why
I get it:I'm about to show you the simplest legal strategy on the planet.
I get it:It sounds too good to be true.
I get it:Don't worry - this is not going to be painful.
I get it:If you're like most people who sit in on my webinars, you've probably been
I get it:avoiding that "legal one," right?
Don't worry:this is going to be super helpful.
Don't worry:But before we get into the strategy, I want to show you why this is my
Don't worry:strategy because we gotta make sure that we're in the right mindset before
Don't worry:we start talking about this stuff.
Don't worry:I've created something called the Legal Growth Plan Matrix that my clients and
Don't worry:students in my programs absolutely love.
Don't worry:So let me break it down for you.
Don't worry:So this is your typical matrix chart thingy, right?
Don't worry:And on the vertical line is the level of growth that you plan for your
Don't worry:business - not necessarily where you are, right, but where you want to
Don't worry:be, where you're working towards.
Don't worry:Do you want to be a high-growth business or do you want to
Don't worry:be a low-growth business?
Don't worry:And hey, no judgment here.
Don't worry:And then on the horizontal line, we've got the level of protection
Don't worry:that you want for your business.
Don't worry:Are you more of a low-protection plan kind of business owner or high protection?
Don't worry:And as we look at it in this matrix, it creates these different zones
Don't worry:that I place business owners in so we can identify maybe where
Don't worry:we're at now, where we want to be.
Don't worry:And let's start here.
Don't worry:I call this the Dabbling Zone, and I'll just be honest here: serious business
Don't worry:owners - serious speakers on summits?
Don't worry:They're not in the Dabbler Zone.
Don't worry:This is a place where people who don't really want to grow their business stay.
Don't worry:And if I'm being honest, it's not necessarily a bad legal strategy to
Don't worry:not have much in place if you're in the Dabbling Zone, because you're probably not
Don't worry:going to ever need to rely on these legal protections because your business, it just
Don't worry:isn't going to be that exposed to risk.
Don't worry:Okay, so moving onto another kind of more obvious zone on
Don't worry:this matrix is the Exposed Zone.
Don't worry:So this is where you are a quickly growing, scaling, stable business...
Don't worry:and you still have not that many protections in place.
Don't worry:This is where your business is exposed.
Don't worry:And when I say exposure, you might be like, "well, yeah, Joey,
Don't worry:obviously," but I want you to think about the Exposed Zone this way.
Don't worry:Think about like nature and animals here, because if you think about an
Don't worry:animal - let's say like a super fast animal like a cheetah in like a pack of
Don't worry:cheetahs or whatever - and the cheetah starts running really, really fast.
Don't worry:If you look at what happens, the other animals look at that fast cheetah running.
Don't worry:When an animal is moving quickly, the other animals pay attention.
Don't worry:And that's what happens here.
Don't worry:When you are making the moves to quickly grow and scale your business,
Don't worry:other people start paying attention.
Don't worry:They start copying, they do other stuff, they're watching what you're
Don't worry:doing to succeed, and they might be stealing from your IP, abusing
Don't worry:contract terms and other things.
Don't worry:And so it's not just that you're a high growth business and you
Don't worry:don't have a lot of protections in place that create exposure.
Don't worry:It's that your growth is attracting people to your business
Don't worry:that are putting eyes on you.
Don't worry:And so that's why it's not a good place for growing business owners,
Don't worry:speakers, experts to be in this place.
Don't worry:Now, this one surprises people, because you would think that me as an
Don't worry:attorney would say, "you know what?
Don't worry:Everybody that is on the high protection part of this matrix is in a good place."
Don't worry:Not necessarily.
Don't worry:I see so many business owners who make the mistake of falling into
Don't worry:what I call the Paranoid Zone.
Don't worry:This is where your business still isn't as growing as fast as you want it to,
Don't worry:or maybe you don't even have big plans for your business to grow fast, and yet
Don't worry:you're a very, very risk averse person.
Don't worry:And a lot of people come to me expecting a kind of pat on the back by saying,
Don't worry:"Joey, I just started, I don't plan on making a lot of money this year or
Don't worry:whatever, but look at me, I've got these beautiful contracts that I spent a lot on.
Don't worry:I did LLCs and got all these trademarks and whatever," and I'm like, "That's cool
Don't worry:that you did that, but you're focused way more on the potential problems that
Don't worry:can happen to your business and using the law to kind of prevent all of those
Don't worry:nightmare situations than taking those harder steps to grow your business."
Don't worry:I am probably going to be the first attorney to tell you, I don't think
Don't worry:that this is a strong place to be.
Don't worry:Even if you're in a low-growth business, I don't think it makes sense for your
Don't worry:protections to outweigh the activities that you're doing to grow your business.
Don't worry:Because if your business is going to grow, it's got to take some risks, which
Don't worry:brings us to the fourth and final zone.
Don't worry:It's the good one.
Don't worry:This is what I call the Peaceful Zone.
Don't worry:And when I say peaceful, I mean like when you lock your doors at night, are
Don't worry:you really that afraid that someone's going to come in and steal from you?
Don't worry:Well, unless you've just like watched a scary movie where that happened,
Don't worry:probably not, but you do it anyways, and it creates a sense of peace of
Don't worry:mind for you that even if something bad happens, you are protected.
Don't worry:That is the zone that I want for everybody here, right?
Don't worry:That we're taking those moves, we're wanting to achieve a high-growth business,
Don't worry:and at the same time, we're putting protections in place to match that.
Don't worry:So the keys to business are to act in alignment with where you
Don't worry:want to go and to be in alignment with who you want to become.
Don't worry:In other words, the bottom line is you need a legal plan that
Don't worry:matches where you are now and aligns with where you're heading.
Don't worry:Okay, I 100% believe that if you're watching this, your success is inevitable
Don't worry:and you'll hear coaches say this.
Don't worry:But there's a other side to this coin that's kind of legal-ish, which is that
Don't worry:if your success is inevitable, then problems are also inevitable, right?
Don't worry:Yeah, there are going to be issues the more that your business grows
Don't worry:and instead of trying to stay small to avoid those issues, let's lean
Don't worry:in and have the appropriate level of protections in place to protect
Don't worry:us from those inevitable problems.
Don't worry:And all that I want you to do - I encourage you to do this - is you
Don't worry:can just DM me @joeycvitale and just say, "yo, Joey, I'm out of
Don't worry:integrity with my brand, separation, relationships, content, whatever it is."
Don't worry:And look, I know that even that statement might give you a little
Don't worry:goosebumps, might make you kind of scared, because no one really wants to
Don't worry:say they're out of integrity, right?
Don't worry:That might suggest that you're doing something bad or wrong or
Don't worry:amoral, but again, that's not how we're using the word here.
Don't worry:I encourage you to use this more, whether it's with me or other
Don't worry:people, and not let it mean anything more than just "the business isn't
Don't worry:working as smoothly as it could be."
Don't worry:So again, "I'm out of integrity with my brand separation, relationship,
Don't worry:content" - which one or combo of those still isn't in integrity?
Don't worry:Because once you have a fully integrity business, legally speaking, then we
Don't worry:can start to shift more to, okay, what can you do to layer in certain
Don't worry:protections, more strategically, but we gotta have this integrity first.
Don't worry:That's it, you guys.
Don't worry:Hope that you enjoyed this, hope it helped you take some next steps.
Don't worry:Again, I would love for you to just DM me, let me know where you are.
Don't worry:Whatever I can do to help, I'm here.
Don't worry:Thanks, guys.
Don't worry:Bye.
Don't worry:Didn't I tell you that was going to be a fun one?
Don't worry:You should definitely listen to Joey's full presentation from Sell
With a Summit:Speaker Edition, especially because he covered the keys
With a Summit:to getting into the Peaceful Zone.
With a Summit:You can get free access to that in all the other presentations at
With a Summit:sellwithasummit.com/speakeredition.
With a Summit:There were so many amazing speakers of this event and if summit
With a Summit:speaking is part of your business game plan, this is a can't-miss.
With a Summit:I'd love to hear your biggest takeaways from this episode too, so leave a
With a Summit:review and let me and Joey know what zone you fall in right now and what
With a Summit:your biggest obstacles have been and getting to the Peaceful Zone.
With a Summit:Joey has tons of resources, so I know he'll be able to help you get there.
With a Summit:See you on the next one!
With a Summit:Thanks for listening to Virtual Summit Success.
With a Summit:Don't forget to leave a review and let others know your biggest
With a Summit:takeaways from this episode.
With a Summit:Every review helps others find us, and the more successful virtual
With a Summit:summits there are, the more tips we'll have to share with you.
With a Summit:For show notes, links, and other resources, go to virtualsummitsuccess.live