Episode 41

Achieving Post-Summit Success with PR with Dr. Tiffany Eurich

Published on: 19th April, 2022

It may not seem like you can extend your virtual summit speaking experience into the real world very easily, but you might be surprised! If you're looking to make a bigger impact through your summit speaking, then get ready, because in this episode, we're talking about leveraging PR to boost your post-summit success.

Get Tiffany's press kit resource!

Tiffany shared so many more gems in her full session, so get the rest of her session, along with all the other amazing Sell With a Summit: Speaker Edition presentations at sellwithasummit.com/speakeredition

Learn more about Tiffany at https://www.tiffanyeurich.com

Mentioned in this episode:

Summit Speaker Strategy Audio Training

If you want to learn more about summit speaking strategies and how you can use it to grow your business, jump over to virtualsummitspeaking.com. I put together a free audio training that you can take on the go in your regular podcast player!

Speaker Audio Training


Welcome to Virtual Summit Success.


I'm Jenn, founder of Virtual Summit Search, and you're in the right place


if you want to make the most of your virtual summit experience, whether


you're a host or virtual summit speaker.


Let's get going with your next step to virtual summit success.


You're listening to a snippet from a Sell With a Summit: Speaker Edition session.


I talked with Tiffany about how to use PR - public relations - to leverage


your summit speaking experiences.


If you're not familiar with PR or how it works, stay tuned; Tiffany will explain.


You can get so much mileage from summit speaking and PR can take


you to a new level with that!


All right, let's get going.


So it may not seem like you can extend your virtual summit speaking


experience into the real world very easily, but you might be surprised!


If you're looking to make a bigger impact through your summit speaking,


then get ready, because during the session we're talking about leveraging


PR to boost your post-summit success.

I'm Jenn, host of Sell With a Summit:


Speaker Edition, and I'm so excited

I'm Jenn, host of Sell With a Summit:


to introduce you to the fantastic Tiffany Eurich, who is not only a PR

I'm Jenn, host of Sell With a Summit:


strategist, but also an author, former TV personality, and university professor.

I'm Jenn, host of Sell With a Summit:


Thank you so much for being here, Tiffany.

Tiffany Eurich:

Thank you.

Tiffany Eurich:

It's such an honor and a pleasure to be here.

Tiffany Eurich:

I love talking about marketing strategies that most people don't

Tiffany Eurich:

realize are even accessible to them, so this is a great pleasure.


That's something that I think a lot of summit speakers don't utilize,


because like you said, they just don't even realize that it's an option.


So I'm really excited to dive into this.


And before we do that, could you give us an overview of your philosophy around


boosting post-summit success through PR?

Tiffany Eurich:

Yeah, absolutely.

Tiffany Eurich:

So one of the things that people really often get confused with

Tiffany Eurich:

PR - first and foremost, just to explain what we're talking about - is

Tiffany Eurich:

they confuse PR and advertising.

Tiffany Eurich:

So when we're talking about public relations, it really is everything you

Tiffany Eurich:

say and do, but most people think of it in terms of media relations or publicity.

Tiffany Eurich:

So that's where you get mentioned in a newspaper or a magazine or your

Tiffany Eurich:

favorite podcast or a television program, or your contributor to

Tiffany Eurich:

a blog or something like that.

Tiffany Eurich:

That's publicity, in a more traditional sense.

Tiffany Eurich:

And so a lot of people think, oh, I'm already paying for

Tiffany Eurich:

advertising, this or that.

Tiffany Eurich:

And the great thing about publicity is that it's free!

Tiffany Eurich:

True PR, true publicity, media relations is free for a business.

Tiffany Eurich:

And so that's the first part of that philosophy is that this is an incredibly

Tiffany Eurich:

underused method 'cause people don't realize that it's accessible.

Tiffany Eurich:

PR has such a sort of glamorous smoke and mirrors impression around it and most

Tiffany Eurich:

people think that this is something that is reserved for billion dollar brands.

Tiffany Eurich:

They think that it's something that you can't do unless you're, you know,

Tiffany Eurich:

Coca-Cola or somebody like that and you hired this big agency to do your PR.

Tiffany Eurich:

But PR Is actually a really simple and very straightforward process if

Tiffany Eurich:

you know a few of the behind the scene keys, if you will, to making it work.

Tiffany Eurich:

And it's always seemed inaccessible to small businesses and yet small businesses

Tiffany Eurich:

are the ones that can benefit the most.

Tiffany Eurich:

Small brands can benefit the most from a really effective, targeted,

Tiffany Eurich:

laser-sharp publicity strategy.

Tiffany Eurich:

And so that's one of the big keys of my philosophy is

Tiffany Eurich:

that it's free and underused.

Tiffany Eurich:

Learn some of those basic techniques and really incorporate it into your brand

Tiffany Eurich:

and into your overall marketing strategy.

Tiffany Eurich:

I think that there are different tactics and different strategies within marketing,

Tiffany Eurich:

and most people end up using just one again and again and again, but it's kind

Tiffany Eurich:

of like saying, "I'm going on a trip to Europe, and so I'm going to get in my car

Tiffany Eurich:

and drive to the coast and then try and drive my car through the ocean to Europe."

Tiffany Eurich:

It'll get you part of the way, but there's going to come a point that what you've

Tiffany Eurich:

been doing isn't going to keep working.

Tiffany Eurich:

And so having a bigger, broader picture of marketing and the tactics that are

Tiffany Eurich:

available to you can really help you grow your brand and expand your influence much

Tiffany Eurich:

more quickly and much more effectively.

Tiffany Eurich:

So learn about some of these underutilized things that you

Tiffany Eurich:

do actually have access to.

Tiffany Eurich:

And then the second part of that is focused on how you can serve.

Tiffany Eurich:

A lot of times people say, "well, I don't really want to be a celebrity.

Tiffany Eurich:

Like, I'm not a Kardashian," or something like that, and that's

Tiffany Eurich:

not what we're talking about.

Tiffany Eurich:

What we're talking about is creating useful, helpful content

Tiffany Eurich:

that serves audiences, just like you want to serve your audiences.

Tiffany Eurich:

You're just serving somebody else's audience - a reporter, or a podcaster,

Tiffany Eurich:

or a blogger or a television station, whatever it might be.

Tiffany Eurich:

And so you are creating content that's going to really serve their audience

Tiffany Eurich:

well, and then you are giving it to that media professional in a way

Tiffany Eurich:

that makes it easy for them to use.

Tiffany Eurich:

And that's a fantastic strategy for getting your name and your

Tiffany Eurich:

brand mentioned in the media.

And so that's what we do:

we help transform brands from best kept secrets

And so that's what we do:

into the go-to experts in their space, and it's really a very simple process,

And so that's what we do:

but I think the big key there is just learn what is actually accessible to you,

And so that's what we do:

learn you can do, and then make it happen.


Love that, because as a small business, we don't want to be a


best kept secret because if we're a secret, no one's going to find us.

Tiffany Eurich:


Tiffany Eurich:

I tell people all the time being a best kept secret is a great compliment,

Tiffany Eurich:

but it is a terrible business model.




A hundred percent agree.


So what would you say the first step that a summit speakers should take in order


to build their PR strategy would be?

Tiffany Eurich:


Tiffany Eurich:

So the first thing I would tell anybody - if you were coming to work

Tiffany Eurich:

with us, if I was teaching you in a classroom or whatever - the first thing

Tiffany Eurich:

I would say is understand your goal.

Tiffany Eurich:

Because you can really get excited.

Tiffany Eurich:

I think when people learn about what can be accomplished through

Tiffany Eurich:

the use of media relations for their business, they get really excited

Tiffany Eurich:

and it's very easy to get distracted.

Tiffany Eurich:

Just like any other area of marketing, you can get distracted

Tiffany Eurich:

by all of those shiny things.

Tiffany Eurich:

So knowing what your goal is right from the beginning is one of the most useful

Tiffany Eurich:

things that you can do for your strategy.

Tiffany Eurich:

So there are a lot of different kinds of goals that you might have.

It might be brand awareness:

you just want people to know that you

It might be brand awareness:

exist and know that you're there.

It might be brand awareness:

That might be it.

It might be brand awareness:

It may be that you have a specific timeframe for a campaign because you're

It might be brand awareness:

publishing a book or you're going to be launching a new YouTube channel or

It might be brand awareness:

something like that, and so, you want to drive traffic to that channel or

It might be brand awareness:

drive sales for that book - you know, maybe it's pre-sales for that book.

It might be brand awareness:

Or it could be that what you're trying to really do is you've got an established

It might be brand awareness:

business, you've got a system that you've developed as an expert, you've

It might be brand awareness:

got an opinion on things, and you really wanting to build your standing

It might be brand awareness:

as a thought leader in your industry.

It might be brand awareness:

When you think in terms of the goal, it's going to dramatically shape the

It might be brand awareness:

way that you build your campaign.

It might be brand awareness:

For instance, if you're trying to increase sales around a product or a

It might be brand awareness:

service, the audience for that is going to be very different than the audience

It might be brand awareness:

for thought leadership building.

It might be brand awareness:

Because within the thought leadership campaign, you're going to people in

It might be brand awareness:

your own industry, you're establishing your leadership in your industry, and

It might be brand awareness:

those are not often people that are going to be buying from you, buying

It might be brand awareness:

services from you, and so those are two very different audiences.

It might be brand awareness:

And so that's probably the most important and most practical step

It might be brand awareness:

that you can take right out of the gate is really understanding what is

It might be brand awareness:

this campaign going to accomplish?

It might be brand awareness:

What timeframe do I want to accomplish this in?

It might be brand awareness:

And then who is the ideal audience?

It might be brand awareness:

We hear a lot about the ideal client and this is very similar, but it's

It might be brand awareness:

who our potential client is or who are the potential people that

It might be brand awareness:

I want to hear about my message?

It might be brand awareness:

Really understand who they are and take some time to research the media that

It might be brand awareness:

they consume and then start building a strategy to target those media outlets.




How would you say that summit speakers can use their summit speaking


experiences as an interest hook when they're pitching folks for PR?

Tiffany Eurich:

Yeah, okay, great question.

Tiffany Eurich:

So when you're trying to create a hook, you're looking for what is

Tiffany Eurich:

newsworthy, and there are a few things that are going to be newsworthy.

First is timeliness:

does this tie into the season, into some kind of an

First is timeliness:

awareness day or an awareness month, does it tie into something that's

First is timeliness:

already happening in the media, right?

First is timeliness:

Can you hook into something that's going on in a seasonal sense?

First is timeliness:

So timeliness is one.

First is timeliness:

Impact is another.

First is timeliness:

If you can show that the work you're doing is creating some changes in

First is timeliness:

people's lives - it can be a major impact for a small number of people

First is timeliness:

or a small impact for a large number of people, you know, whatever.

First is timeliness:

Or if you can show that you do something that is local, so it has

First is timeliness:

some terms of geographical proximity.

First is timeliness:

One of the things I love when someone is getting ready to host a summit is

First is timeliness:

actually going to their local media outlets and letting them know about that

First is timeliness:

a couple of weeks in advance, because for a lot of people, let's say that

First is timeliness:

it's a summit that's around a business topic, that newspaper or that local media

First is timeliness:

will alert all those business owners in that area that, "Hey, here's the summit

First is timeliness:

that might be interesting to you."

First is timeliness:

Or if it's something for parents or something for gardening or whatever

First is timeliness:

it is, you will have a local audience that will be interested in that.

First is timeliness:

And especially since so many summits have free access for people and

First is timeliness:

that's part of the hook, you know, to get them in, a lot of media outlets

First is timeliness:

will take that and will run with it.

First is timeliness:

And I think sometimes we get so caught up in the digital business landscape

First is timeliness:

that we forget that we have a very real, very local audience and most people

First is timeliness:

can build an entire business just on the local support if they need it to.

First is timeliness:

I always encourage people to think about that when they're hosting a summit.

First is timeliness:

Let the media know locally so that people in your community can join in and that's

First is timeliness:

more real, more tangible support than you can often find online; especially

First is timeliness:

when you're just starting out, you'll have that built in support system.

First is timeliness:

So timeliness, locale - what kind of locality you're

First is timeliness:

in - an impact, prominence.

First is timeliness:

If you do, of course, have somebody that is going to connect with you in

First is timeliness:

some way because of that summit, that is a bigger name, you can use that to

First is timeliness:

leverage some interest in the media.

First is timeliness:

So there are lots of different ways that you can kind of build in that hook.

First is timeliness:

And what I always try to do is find some aspect, some facet of your expertise

First is timeliness:

that nobody is talking about or that you can add either a controversial

First is timeliness:

approach or an advanced approach.

And so for instance, a perfect example:


one of the strategies that worked for me

And so for instance, a perfect example:


really early on in building my business was I would look for podcasts that

And so for instance, a perfect example:


talked about marketing and talked about marketing for small businesses, and

And so for instance, a perfect example:


then I would approach them and say, "you know, you've talked about advertising,

And so for instance, a perfect example:


you've talked about funnels, you've talked about Pinterest, you've talked

And so for instance, a perfect example:


about this and this and this and this, but you've never talked about publicity."

And so for instance, a perfect example:


And inevitably every single person would come back to me and say, "I didn't...

And so for instance, a perfect example:


I didn't know we could, like, I didn't know, there was an expert out

And so for instance, a perfect example:


there talking to small businesses."

And so for instance, a perfect example:


And so those often became some of their most listened-to episodes because

And so for instance, a perfect example:


nobody else was talking about it.

And so for instance, a perfect example:


But conversely, if someone is already talking about your business or your

And so for instance, a perfect example:


expertise or whatever, don't get stressed that they're not going

And so for instance, a perfect example:


to want to talk to you instead.

And so for instance, a perfect example:


See that as evidence that they're interested in the work that

And so for instance, a perfect example:


you do and they're probably going to want more experts with

And so for instance, a perfect example:


different perspectives on that.

And so for instance, a perfect example:


So if there's someone they've already interviewed that is talking

And so for instance, a perfect example:


about your area of expertise, what can you do to add to that?

And so for instance, a perfect example:


How can you extend the conversation, give them something else to think about, or

And so for instance, a perfect example:


perhaps provide a controversial viewpoint?

And so for instance, a perfect example:


You look at it differently, you have a different philosophy, so get very creative

And so for instance, a perfect example:


and see where you can, again, meet a need where you can serve the audience

And so for instance, a perfect example:


by providing content that they aren't already covering or some other approach.

And so for instance, a perfect example:


So for instance, let's say if it's a photography summit, and this is something

And so for instance, a perfect example:


that you're wanting to leverage this opportunity and talk about it, don't

And so for instance, a perfect example:


pitch a story, that's like, "how to take better pictures," because that's so bland

And so for instance, a perfect example:


and generic, and doesn't give us a reason to really emotionally connect with it.

And so for instance, a perfect example:


Instead, it would be something like "eight ways to take better pictures

And so for instance, a perfect example:


of your kids on your iPhone."

And so for instance, a perfect example:


And so now we're connecting with a real audience with real needs and

And so for instance, a perfect example:


they can see themselves in that story.

And so for instance, a perfect example:


They can be like, "oh, you know what?

And so for instance, a perfect example:


I didn't know that I needed eight ways to take better pictures of my kids

And so for instance, a perfect example:


on the iPhone, but I have an iPhone.

And so for instance, a perfect example:


I have kids.

And so for instance, a perfect example:


Yeah, let's read it."

And so for instance, a perfect example:


And so you're getting that exposure.

And so for instance, a perfect example:


So be thinking in terms of how can I make this very specific and how

And so for instance, a perfect example:


can I offer increased value for that media outlet and their audience?




I know we've covered a lot of things and folks are going to be able to go


and take that, especially figuring out how to use their expertise and their


experience to pitch their PR strategy.


So, I know you have a resource for folks that they can grab and they can


start taking steps right away to start crafting that PR strategy before their


next summit speaking engagement, so can you tell us a little bit more about that?

Tiffany Eurich:


Tiffany Eurich:

So no matter who comes to me, no matter what context we're working in one of

Tiffany Eurich:

the first things we do for our clients that we represent, our clients that we

Tiffany Eurich:

consult, our clients that we teach and coach, one of the very first things

Tiffany Eurich:

we have them do is create a press kit.

Tiffany Eurich:

And a press kit is just - in this particular instance - a digital

Tiffany Eurich:

repository of some specific assets about your business that will make it

Tiffany Eurich:

easier for a reporter to say yes to you, or a podcaster to say yes to you.

Tiffany Eurich:

And one of the reasons I love this is that it creates a level of polish,

Tiffany Eurich:

it elevates your brand and says, "Hey, we're ready for media coverage.

Tiffany Eurich:

We understand how the system works.

Tiffany Eurich:

We understand how to get ourselves covered."

Tiffany Eurich:

and just having a press kit and being able to offer that when you are reaching

Tiffany Eurich:

out to a media professional can do wonders for, again, elevating the

Tiffany Eurich:

professional polish of your business.

Tiffany Eurich:

And so again, one of the very first things we do, it's something

Tiffany Eurich:

that you can do in an hour or two.

Tiffany Eurich:

And so we've put together a checklist that's the Press Kit in a Day checklist.

Tiffany Eurich:

And I say in a day, but that would be an extremely leisurely day.

Tiffany Eurich:

You really can do it in an hour or two.

Tiffany Eurich:

And it's just going to be a collection of a few things like your bio and

Tiffany Eurich:

your images, and a couple of other things that you can pull together

Tiffany Eurich:

in a digital platform that just hangs out there and it's ready to

Tiffany Eurich:

serve you whenever you need it.

Tiffany Eurich:

And I think that that adds an extra boost of confidence, knowing that if

Tiffany Eurich:

an opportunity arises and you can grab it just like that because you have

Tiffany Eurich:

that fundamental piece of your puzzle in place so that when someone reaches

Tiffany Eurich:

out, or you see an opportunity to be covered in the news, to connect with

Tiffany Eurich:

something newsworthy that's happening, you can reach right out and say,

Tiffany Eurich:

"Hey, here's the link to my press kit.

Tiffany Eurich:

It's all set, it's all done."

Tiffany Eurich:

So we want to give that to everybody who's here at the summit, so that

Tiffany Eurich:

they can use that and start building that PR strategy because I'm really

Tiffany Eurich:

passionate about getting PR strategy into the hands of small businesses.


I'm so excited for folks to grab that and start getting going on


that, because I have my husband has worked in PR, so I know how much of


an impact that can make on a business.


So thank you so much for being here and sharing all of your


amazing expertise, Tiffany.


It was so great getting to talk through all of this.

Tiffany Eurich:

Oh, thank you.

Tiffany Eurich:

It's my pleasure.

Tiffany Eurich:

Thank you so much.


So don't forget to go and grab the checklist - the button is down


below the video - and if you have any questions for Tiffany, I'm sure she


would be happy to answer them and help you get started on your PR journey!

Tiffany Eurich:


Tiffany Eurich:

Thanks, Jenn.


There are so many fantastic ways to leverage your speaking experiences through


PR and in the full session, Tiffany also shared the best types of media for summit


speakers, how to reverse engineer where you want to be, and PR timeframes and


interest hooks for summit speakers so that you can make the most of your PR pitches.


Go to sellwithasummit.com/speakeredition to watch the full


session and so much more.


Don't forget to leave a review and let us know what your biggest takeaways are.


You can do that on whatever podcast platform you're using,


or some me and Tiffany a message!


We would love to hear from you and find out what your biggest takeaway was.


Thanks for listening to Virtual Summit Success.


Don't forget to leave a review and let others know your biggest


takeaways from this episode.


Every review helps others find us, and the more successful virtual


summits there are, the more tips we'll have to share with you.


For show notes, links, and other resources, go to virtualsummitsuccess.live

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Virtual Summit Success
Create ongoing reach, impact, and revenue through hosting and speaking at virtual summits!
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Jenn Zellers