Episode 28
Easily Create Amazing Summit Video Presentations with Holly Gillen
Creating stand-out summit presentation videos doesn't have to be hard. Holly's breaking down simple steps to make your next summit presentation amazing!
Grab the Get Started Video Block Party!
Want to learn more about booking more summit speaking engagements and making more money from them? Get access to Holly's full presentation - and more! - at https://sellwithasummit.com/speakeredition/
Learn more about Holly at https://www.hollygstudios.com
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Summit Speaker Strategy Audio Training
If you want to learn more about summit speaking strategies and how you can use it to grow your business, jump over to virtualsummitspeaking.com. I put together a free audio training that you can take on the go in your regular podcast player!
Welcome to Virtual Summit Success.
Jenn:I'm Jenn, founder of Virtual Summit Search, and you're in the right place
Jenn:if you want to make the most of your virtual summit experience, whether
Jenn:you're a host or virtual summit speaker.
Jenn:Let's get going with your next step to virtual summit success.
Jenn:You're listening to a snippet of another Sell With a Summit: Speaker
Jenn:Edition session from Holly Gillen.
Jenn:Since videos are almost always a requirement for summit speakers
Jenn:- though not always - we're talking about how to make sure your summit
Jenn:videos stand out, even in the lineup of other amazing summit speakers.
Jenn:Let's jump in!
Jenn:If you're stressing about how your summit presentation is going to look - stop.
Jenn:In this session, we're going to be talking all about how to make your presentation
Jenn:POP by improving your filming techniques.
I'm Jenn, host of Sell With a Summit:
:Speaker Edition, and I'm excited to
I'm Jenn, host of Sell With a Summit:
:introduce you to the wonderful Holly Gillen, creator of From Start to Star
I'm Jenn, host of Sell With a Summit:
:and Video Made Easy, and an industry pro who has worked with companies
I'm Jenn, host of Sell With a Summit:
:like HBO and the Sundance Channel.
I'm Jenn, host of Sell With a Summit:
:Thank you so much for being here, Holly!
Holly Gillen:Thank you so much for having me, Jenn!
Holly Gillen:I'm super excited to dig in to this subject.
Jenn:This is definitely something that I know a lot of folks struggle with
Jenn:because we've gone into so much virtual video, especially in the last year,
Jenn:but there's still so many little things that you can do to make it look better.
Jenn:So before we dive into all the details of how to improve your summit filming
Jenn:strategy, can you give us kind of a quick overview of your philosophy around
Jenn:business cinema and that type of stuff?
Holly Gillen:Sure.
Holly Gillen:Absolutely.
Holly Gillen:So the way that I describe business cinema is video with a plan,
Holly Gillen:purpose, system, and strategy.
Holly Gillen:So it's video, not just willy-nilly videos, but videos that actually
Holly Gillen:help move your business forward and increase your bottom line.
Holly Gillen:So you're coming at it from.
Holly Gillen:A planning perspective, a systems perspective and a strategic perspective
Holly Gillen:where you're reverse engineering, the content you're creating.
Holly Gillen:So you're not just making video for the sake of making video.
Holly Gillen:There's a reason behind it.
Holly Gillen:There's a purpose behind it.
Holly Gillen:And there's a plan and a system and a strategy.
Jenn:I know a lot of times we go into video and we just kind of start talking
Jenn:and especially with summit presentations, that's not what we want to do.
Jenn:So what are some of the biggest ways that you tend to see people kind of
Jenn:go wrong or miss the mark a little bit when it comes to preparing to
Jenn:film their summit presentation video?
Holly Gillen:Not preparing at all.
Holly Gillen:That's like the biggest thing, like not preparing and then not really having
Holly Gillen:a process for recording in place.
Holly Gillen:So let's the way I kind of break it down: first and foremost, you want
Holly Gillen:to always make sure you're following the specific requirements that the
Holly Gillen:summit presenter has given you.
Holly Gillen:So if it's they need you to do a certain thing a certain way, you want to make sure
Holly Gillen:you know what all of those are, because you don't want to submit your presentation
Holly Gillen:already recorded and with a bow on top and then you send it in and they're like,
Holly Gillen:"no, this is not what we asked for."
Holly Gillen:So first and foremost, make sure that you know what's your what's required of
Holly Gillen:you; length of time for the presentation.
Holly Gillen:You don't want to be too succinct or too short, you know, you kind of want
Holly Gillen:to hit that window because there's a reason why you're being asked to hit
Holly Gillen:that window for reasons that the summit presenter has already determined;
Holly Gillen:they need things a certain length.
Holly Gillen:If that's not an issue, then try to be as succinct as possible.
Holly Gillen:People are busy.
Holly Gillen:You don't need to add a lot of extra fluff or unnecessary content.
Holly Gillen:I know from the perspective of a viewer of a summit, I appreciate
Holly Gillen:when the presenter isn't wasting my time with a lot of information
Holly Gillen:or stuff that I don't need to know.
Holly Gillen:I like you to get straight to the point.
Holly Gillen:Give me actionable takeaways, give me a plan, give me the meat.
Holly Gillen:I don't need the fluff.
Holly Gillen:I need the meat!
Holly Gillen:And the way you do this is through pre-production.
Holly Gillen:So part of pre-production is understanding those requirements.
Holly Gillen:Also, what is the delivery method that's required from the summit presenter?
Holly Gillen:Are you going to be doing an interview like Jenn and I are doing here?
Holly Gillen:Is it going to be a video interview?
Holly Gillen:Is it going to just be an audio interview?
Holly Gillen:So, you could show up in your pajamas and it's not really going to matter, right?
Holly Gillen:You don't want to show up in your pajamas for a video interview and be like, "oh,
Holly Gillen:I thought this was an audio interview."
Holly Gillen:So just being clear on all of the details, right?
Holly Gillen:That's super important.
Holly Gillen:And if you're not clear on details you could really go wrong.
Holly Gillen:So that's one place where people go wrong, is not being clear on the details
Holly Gillen:of what's being required of them.
Holly Gillen:The next thing is with understanding the delivery method.
Holly Gillen:So if you're going to be doing face-to-camera, if you're going to
Holly Gillen:be doing screen-share, if you're just going to be doing slides, or you're
Holly Gillen:going to be doing a combination of all of those things, just planning, all
Holly Gillen:of that out is super, super important.
Holly Gillen:I break it down into a couple of different ways: so if you're doing
Holly Gillen:face-to-camera there's four different areas that you want to prep.
Holly Gillen:So you want to prep your equipment, you want to prep yourself, you
Holly Gillen:want to prep your set, and you want to prep for the shoot.
Holly Gillen:So four different areas that you're going to prep.
Holly Gillen:And these could also be applied to screen recordings if you're doing
Holly Gillen:face-to-camera and cutting back and forth, or you're doing slides and you're
Holly Gillen:cutting back to face-to-camera recordings.
Holly Gillen:You want to make sure that you have a vision of what that final
Holly Gillen:video is going to look like.
Holly Gillen:And that is all in the pre-production.
Holly Gillen:So you're planning out like, "okay, I know I want to do like an intro.
Holly Gillen:So I know that I want the intro part of the presentation to be
Holly Gillen:face-to-camera And then maybe I want to come back in after a few slides
Holly Gillen:and do another face-to-camera part."
Holly Gillen:So you're not going to just record that first part, then do the slides and then
Holly Gillen:go back to hair and makeup and do that.
Holly Gillen:You want to make sure you're batching all of the combined parts together.
Holly Gillen:So if you're doing a bunch of face-to-camera even though it's not
Holly Gillen:sequential, you want to make sure you're recording all of that at the same time.
Holly Gillen:And then when you're doing your slides, you want to make sure you're
Holly Gillen:creating all of your slides and all of the things that you want to
Holly Gillen:add to the video at the same time.
Holly Gillen:And you're going to put them together in post production, but this is all
Holly Gillen:planned out in the pre-production phase, before you ever even start recording
Holly Gillen:anything, you plot this all out.
Holly Gillen:You have a vision of what you want to do.
Holly Gillen:A big mistake I see, just generally when people are recording,
Holly Gillen:videos is not doing this.
Holly Gillen:This is 60-65% of the process and this is why people end up having a hard time when
Holly Gillen:they're editing their video, because they didn't do the front-end preparation work.
Holly Gillen:They didn't plan it out.
Holly Gillen:So now they're just like, "oh, I forgot to record this part.
Holly Gillen:I have to go back and I have to redo this, and oh, I didn't do
Holly Gillen:the slide and oh, oh, oh, oh no."
Holly Gillen:So, you know, having a plan for all of the things that you're going to be recording.
Holly Gillen:So along with that information, I do want to put out there.
Holly Gillen:that You don't have to create this perfect presentation.
Holly Gillen:There's no such thing as perfect.
Holly Gillen:I say that all the time to people I'm like, "raise your hand if you're perfect.
Holly Gillen:Oh, look around.
Holly Gillen:Nobody has their hand raised because nobody's perfect and nobody's
Holly Gillen:expecting you to be perfect either."
Holly Gillen:So it's okay if there are slight imperfections.
Holly Gillen:And the other thing is like what you consider a slight imperfection
Holly Gillen:and what somebody else considers a slight imperfection could be
Holly Gillen:two completely different things.
Holly Gillen:We are so hard on ourselves.
Holly Gillen:and so judgmental of our own work that it can be something
Holly Gillen:that hinders your progress.
Holly Gillen:And I know everybody listening to this has something valuable and important to share.
Holly Gillen:You are here to help people and they are waiting for you to show
Holly Gillen:up in only the way that you can.
Holly Gillen:So don't let that hold you back.
Jenn:So I know we've covered a lot.
Jenn:And what would you say that the most important action step that someone
Jenn:could take right away to start improving their summit presentation
Jenn:production quality would be?
Holly Gillen:Well, I can answer this question in a couple
Holly Gillen:of different ways, actually.
Holly Gillen:So when you said one specific thing, I would say, you always
Holly Gillen:want to be improving you, 'cause no matter where you go there you are.
Holly Gillen:And that means you as a presenter, but you as the person who's doing
Holly Gillen:the things behind the scenes as well.
Holly Gillen:So all of those roads actually all do point back to pre-production.
Holly Gillen:When you have the right plan in place, everything else becomes super easy.
Holly Gillen:And if you aren't comfortable on camera - like you as a presenter - I would say
Holly Gillen:first and foremost, that is foundational.
Holly Gillen:You have to work on you, in that sense, being comfortable and
Holly Gillen:confident in front of the camera.
Jenn:And I know you also have the Get Started Video Block Party to help
Jenn:us take all of this even further, so can you tell us a bit more about that?
Holly Gillen:Sure.
Holly Gillen:So the Get Started Video Block Party - was like a play on words right?
Holly Gillen:So in the summer here in the United States - if you're not in the United States and
Holly Gillen:you're unfamiliar with block parties - is people get together with their
Holly Gillen:neighbors and they have a block party.
Holly Gillen:So it was like a play on words, but it's also related to blocks - video
Holly Gillen:blocks - things that are blocking people from actually getting started
Holly Gillen:and taking action with using video in their business, being able to push past
Holly Gillen:those uncomfortable issues of mindset things, just blocks that kind of come up.
Holly Gillen:So it's all about getting started.
Holly Gillen:So, what do you need to do to literally get started right now?
Holly Gillen:How do you 'look natural' on camera?
Holly Gillen:And I use 'look natural' in air quotes because there's a secret
Holly Gillen:to looking natural on camera and it's not what you think.
Holly Gillen:And then how to actually make your videos look more professional; so what are
Holly Gillen:the things that you can do to make your videos look more professional so you feel
Holly Gillen:more confident and proud to show those videos off to people and not like, "oh
Holly Gillen:my God, I hope no one sees that video."
Holly Gillen:So get started, look natural, go pro, eliminate your video blocks.
Holly Gillen:Come to the Get Started Video Block Party.
Jenn:Love that - mindset blocks are a huge part of it and I know
Jenn:a lot of folks struggle with that.
Jenn:So make sure to go grab the Block Party.
Jenn:Thank you so much for being here and sharing all of this.
Jenn:I know This is going to help so many folks improve their confidence with
Jenn:their videos and probably take it beyond just the summits too, 'cause
Jenn:there's a lot that overlaps with doing this for other platforms too.
Jenn:So I'm excited to see all of the things that everybody does with this afterwards.
Holly Gillen:Awesome.
Holly Gillen:Thank you so much for having me on this has been a pleasure.
Holly Gillen:I could talk about video all day.
Jenn:I hope you got as much out of this episode as I did.
Jenn:There were so many aha moments, especially in the full presentation where Holly
Jenn:shared even more tips on how to make sure that your summit videos stand out,
Jenn:so make sure to get access to that and all of the other fantastic sessions
Jenn:at sellwithasummit.com/speakeredition.
Jenn:And what's going to be your first step in prepping for your next
Jenn:summit video - or video in general?
Jenn:Leave a review and let me and Holly know!
Jenn:Thanks for listening to Virtual Summit Success.
Jenn:Don't forget to leave a review and let others know your biggest
Jenn:takeaways from this episode.
Jenn:Every review helps others find us, and the more successful virtual
Jenn:summits there are, the more tips we'll have to share with you.
Jenn:For show notes, links, and other resources, go to virtualsummitsuccess.live